Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GROUP BY - Count Method in Apex Controller

Need to do Totals of Stages in Opportunity for the entire org.

Thought Process:
  1. What are the columns involved? Answer: StageName and Count or Total
  2. What methods will we utilize to achieve these results? Answer: Group By SOQL Statement with Count.
  3. What UI to built this neat logic? Answer: Apex Controller and VisualForce Page
  4. Need to achieve this type of reporting for the user:

    1. Use Eclipse IDE or SOQL Explorer to create your SOQL Statement.
    2. SELECT StageName, Count(Name) ce 
      FROM Opportunity GROUP BY StageName
    3. Second create  Apex Controller name what you like I named it TTL_Lesson, with your logic
    public class TTL_Lesson{
    //Define your variables
    public class OppStageHolder {
        public String OPP {get; set;}
        public Integer TTL_Opp {get; set;}
    //Empty Array    
    public OppStageHolder (){}
    //Results will be placed within this List
    public List queryResults{ get; set; }
    //Your Page
    public PageReference TTL() {
    AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT StageName, 
         Count(Name) ce FROM Opportunity 
         GROUP BY StageName];  
    System.Debug('zzavg ' + groupedResults.size());
    //Define your List
    queryResults = new List();
    for (AggregateResult ard : groupedResults)  {    
        OppStageHolder myObject = new OppStageHolder();    
        myObject.OPP = String.valueOf(ard.get('StageName'));    
        myObject.TTL_Opp = (Integer) ard.get('ce');         
    return Page.TTL;


    Now create your VF Page to call this and display it whenever the user clicks on this page:

    <apex:page controller="TTL_Lesson" action="{!TTL}" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
        <apex:dataTable value="{!queryResults}" var="a" id="theTable" border="2" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#A9D0F5" >
                    <apex:column >
                            <apex:facet name="header">Stage</apex:facet>
                            <apex:outputText value="{!a.OPP}"/>
                    <apex:column >
                            <apex:facet name="header">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Count</apex:facet>
                            <apex:outputText value="{!a.TTL_Opp}"/>

    End result is the image on top

    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Opportunity Wizard Controller - TestMethod

    Hi all:
       So, I was looking all over for the opportunity wizard controller test method. There is none, not even salesforce wrote a test wizard for it.
    They wrote the controller wizard. Which can be found here:
    Opportunity Wizard Controller

    I decided to write a test class for it:
    Place this within the controller before it ends.

    Here it is:

    private static testmethod void testnewOpportunityController(){
    newOpportunityController controller 
    = new newOpportunityController();          
    Account acct = controller.getAccount();
    acct.Name='Unit Test Name';
    Contact cont = controller.getContact();
    cont.LastName = 'Testlast';
    cont.Accountid =;
    cont.Email = ''; = '5551211234';
    Opportunity opp = controller.getOpportunity();
    opp.Name = 'oppor name';
    opp.StageName = 'Prospect';
    opp.CloseDate = Date.newInstance(2010,12,31);
    OpportunityContactRole oppconrole = controller.getRole();
    oppconrole.opportunityid =;
    oppconrole.contactid =;
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    Friday, April 30, 2010

    How to use rowClasses in a dataTable or PageBlockTable in VisualForce

     To have a table that would shade each alternative row.

    In your css file or even in the visualforce page place in the following:
    1. In CSS:
      1. .odd {
        background-color: #FCF7F7;
        .even {
        background-color: #E3DCDB;
    2. Inside the VF Page:
    So the Apex Visualforce page would look like this:
                    <apex:page standardcontroller="Contact">
                    <apex:form id="reportform"> <!-- Start of ReportForm-->
                    <apex:dataTable value="{!queryResult}" var="r" id="       ttable" border="0" rowClasses="even,odd">
                     <!--yourcode here-->

    Now you have each other row shaded gray/white.
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    How to use apex variable for total records in Visualforce

      I came across a issue where visualforce does not allow one to Count or Sum records in a page.
    One solution would be to add more code to the controller to do a count of the records. Which is ok.
    A simple solution is to use the apex variable function in Visualforce.

    1. Lets do it off Contacts
    2. In your Apex Controller : Create a SOQL query as is:
    public class countcontroller{

                public List<Contact> queryResult {get;private set;}

                public String qryString {get;set;}

                public PageReference query(){

                qryString =  'SELECT Name, Email, Phone from Contact';

                queryResult = Database.query(qryString);
                 return null;


    Pretty Simple and Straight Forward.
    Now for the VF Page and Magic:
    You will see I use the apex variable function to do a couple of things:

    • create a variable
      run the query inside that variable counting all the records by 1 within a repeat tag
      calling the variable with the total 
      Kind of like a for Loop but in Visualforce instead of controller. 
    <apex:page standardcontroller="Contact" extensions="countcontroller">

    <table width="95%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <tr height="5">
        <td width="35%" class="outsideround_head" align="right">
            Total Contacts Returned:&nbsp;
        <td width="8%" class="outside_round_head_value">
            <apex:variable var="call" value="{!0}" />
            <apex:repeat var="countitall" value="{!queryResult}" >
            <apex:variable var="call" value="{!call+1}"/>
            <apex:outputText value="{!call}"/>




    Wallah you have count.
    Thanks please give me feedback!!! 
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    Wednesday, January 27, 2010

    IF THEN STATEMENT IN VF plus Format of Dates in

            I had to do an IF THEN STATEMENT off from a date to place a date range into a VF Page.
    Issue I had was the date Formating, because when you place a formula to do a Date it comes out as YYYY-MM-DD
    I needed DD-MM-YYYY
    So this is what I did:
    I created a table that has columns and the resulted row:
    So two tags here being used are :

    First the Column:
                apex:column headerValue="Date Range          
               apex:outputLabel value="{!IF(DAY(TODAY())>15,
                RIGHT(TEXT(TODAY()), 2) & "/" &
                MID(TEXT(TODAY()), 6, 2) & "/" &
                LEFT(TEXT(TODAY()), 4)& " to " &
                RIGHT(TEXT(item.Last_Day_of_Month__c), 2) & "/" &
                MID(TEXT(item.Last_Day_of_Month__c), 6, 2) & "/" &
                LEFT(TEXT(item.Last_Day_of_Month__c), 4)
                MID(TEXT(TODAY()), 6, 2) & "/" &
                RIGHT(TEXT(TODAY()), 2) & "/" &
                LEFT(TEXT(TODAY()), 4) & " to " &
                RIGHT(TEXT(item.Last_Day_of_Next_Month__c), 2) & "/" &
                MID(TEXT(item.Last_Day_of_Next_Month__c), 6, 2) & "/" &
                LEFT(TEXT(item.Last_Day_of_Next_Month__c), 4),
    Now the thing is Last_Day_of_month__c and Last_Day_of_Next_Month are formulas Date Fields I created...
    You can find the formulas on
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